
Shinji Shimada, MD
島田 眞路
ボストン大学 Jag Bhawan 先生からのメッセージ

Jag Bhawan, MD
Professor of Dermatology and Pathology
Head, Dermatopathology Section
Vice Chairman, Department of Dermatology
Boston University School of Medicine
ボストン大学 Jag Bhawan 先生からのメッセージ
Dermatohistopathology is an important and integral part of learning as well as practicing dermatology. Its role in management of your patients can not be overemphasized. Not only is dermatohistopathology important in understanding basic disease process but it makes one a better dermatologist. As a student of dermatology, it is extremely important for you to learn the pathology of skin disorders, so that you are able to question your pathologist in any case of discrepancy between the clinical and your pathologist’s diagnosis. After all, you know your patient best and you must be able to correlate clinical and pathologic findings. Without solid knowledge in dermatohistopathology, this goal will be very difficult to accomplish. I can say this with great conviction as I am not only a trained dermatologist but a trained pathologist as well. Another dividend of dermatopathology is the ability for dermatopathologist to describe new entities or able to find pathobiology of disease process. For example, I had the fortune to describe intravascular lymphoma which in the past was mistakenly thought to be malignant tumor of endothelial cells (known previously angioendotheliomatosis proliferans systemisata). I would therefore encourage the younger dermatologits who are finishing up their training in dermatology to pursue dermatopathology as post graduate training for an exciting career. To underscore the importance of dermatopathology , we have 56 training programs in dermatopathology in USA which is highly competitive. We also offer dermatopathology to international trainees.
グラーツ大学 Lorenzo Cerroni 先生からのメッセージ

Lorenzo Cerroni, MD
Department of Dermatology
Medical University of Graz
Graz, Austria
グラーツ大学 Lorenzo Cerroni 先生からのメッセージ
Dermatopathology consists of macroscopic and microscopic skin pathology, and it represents the most important diagnostic test in Dermatology. It is a subspecialty of both Dermatology and Pathology, requiring clinical as well as pathological skills in order to be practiced at the best. It is particularly important that Dermatologists continue their long tradition in Dermatopathology (including famous persons such as Unna, Kaposi, Lever, Ackerman and Kerl among many others), as the knowledge of clinical Dermatology is a fundamental pre-requisite for a high level Dermatopathology. The future of Dermatopathology is bound to the experience, qualification, and knowledge of those doing it and on the passion and commitment of those caring for it.
Many of those practicing Dermatopathology in Japan are friends who have spent variable periods of time at my Institution, the Dermatopathology Unit of the Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Graz, Austria. It is thus my greatest pleasure to greet the Japanese Dermatopathologists from the pages of their web site!
ソウル大学 Kwang Hyun Cho 先生からのメッセージ

Kwang Hyun Cho, M.D.
Department of Dermatology
Seoul National
ソウル大学 Kwang Hyun Cho 先生からのメッセージ
To young dermatologists,
There are four traditional methods for clinicians to make a diagnosis- inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. Among them, “inspection” is used to closely observe lesions and the most important way to make a diagnosis in the dermatologic field. Human trials to directly see the patient’s lesion achieved development of various medical instruments, including endoscopy and imaging devices. For example, endoscopy makes us see the problem, get a diagnosis, and treat the lesion. In this aspect, we, dermatologists have had a lot of advantages because we can personally see the lesion early on.
However, gross inspection alone is not sufficient for us to make a proper diagnosis. Just as gross pathology or clinical finding is important to pathologists, micropathology is to dermatologists. Gross inspection and histopathologic findings are complementary to each other, which can lead us to correct diagnosis. Therefore, histopathology is a basic knowledge for every dermatologist should know. The cornerstone of dermatology is to understand the normal skin structures and pathologic changes of various skin diseases. In every field of dermatology, whether it is basic, clinical, or aesthetic, you should start your step with studying dermatopathology.
小野友道 先生からのメッセージ

Tomomichi Ono
小野友道 先生からのメッセージ
太田正雄が太田母斑の組織象を描いている。ひょっとしたら画家に描かせた可能性もあるが、少なくとも横で緻密に教示しながらものにしたと思われるが、真皮のリボン状の色素細胞(今日で言うところのdermal melanocyte)とともに、被覆表皮基底層にも通常より多くのmelanocytesが描かれている。どれだけ丁寧に観察がなされたか。どれだけ臨床を思い浮かべて観察したか、凄いとしか言いようがない。